April 25th – Little Wolford Village Hall Click on the image below to email Peter Watson for ticket availability
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New Village Calendar
I’ve just added a new calendar facility to the Website HERE. If anyone would like an event listed please email me – Charles Pearmain.
Mysterious sighting in Carters Leaze
It seems that there may be more going on in the sleepy close at Carters Leaze than local residents are aware of. Early this morning a shady character was seen leaving a house there. His purpose: unknown. His identity: unknown. Residents are encouraged not to call the police – this chap clearly needs help more […]
The Fox and Hounds
As most people will know, our local Pub the Fox and Hounds, has been closed since early January. The Landlady Gill has moved to Shipston while Jamie and Sioned now live in Cirencester. Many will agree that the Fox and Hounds forms a valuable social hub and a pleasant environment in which to meet friends […]
Heating Oil Syndicate
The Village Heating Oil Syndicate is run by the Parish Council – for details see Parish Council
Parish Magazine
The Link is the monthly Parish Magazine which has information about all sorts of local events and happenings covering the seven local parishes of the SW7 benefice. There is a small annual subscription and it is delivered at the beginning of each month. If you do not already subscribe and would like to do so […]
The Mobile library visits on a three weekly cycle between 10.00am and 10.20am Monday mornings stopping in the Fox and Hounds car park. For further details see www.warwickshire.gov.uk.
The Shipston Link bus service www.shipstonlink.co.uk picks up at 10.07 on Fridays by the post box to go to Shipston on Stour and comes back to the village about 12.30. The Villager Community Bus is an established scheduled service operating in parts of Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Warwickshire. The main routes are through some of the […]
Shipston Home Nursing
Great Wolford is fortunate to be covered by the services of Shipston Home Nursing. Shipston Home Nursing provides palliative care through its team of 18 professional nurses, for the time required by each individual patient who is terminally ill and wish to remain in their own home. Palliative care is the active, total care of […]
The Wolfords Women’s Institute
Founded in 1922, for all the ladies in the two villages, the WI meets on the first Wednesday in the month at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Pub Nights are held on the second Wednesday, Scrabble and Reading Groups on the third Wednesday. The officers are: President Gill Ablewhite 01608 684962, Secretary Theresa Wakeham 01608 […]