Peter Watson has kindly submitted a pointer to something we should all read. We should read this because it illustrates beautifully the ability of the bureaucratic mind to squander our tax pounds liberally to produce output that is utterly impenetrable to most reasonably literate anglophones. Click on the image to download the full document (it […]
Posts by
Superfast broadband in Great Wolford ...
BT and other suppliers are now accepting orders for Superfast Broadband connections to customers in Great Woldford. There are two speeds on offer, 38 Mbit/sec and 76 Mbit/sec. To put this into perspective, until now the speed achievable on ADSL has been between 1 and 5 mbit/sec so the new service will make a huge […]
New Website feature – email not...
I’ve added a feature to the Website that has been requested by several people – the facility to be notified by email when a new post is made to the site. Simply go to the box on the right (it appears on most pages) titled “Subscribe here to receive notifications of new posts” and enter […]
Superfast broadband is now available ...
I’m very pleased to tell you that BT are now accepting orders for their Infinity Superfast Broadband service. There are two speeds on offer, 38 Mbit/sec and 76 Mbit/sec. To put this into perspective, until now the speed range on offer has been between 1 and 5 mbit/sec so the new service will make a […]
The Great Wolford Carol Walk
On Wednesday 23 December a Great Wolford Carol Walk took place. Just after dark, Imogen and Keith Murphy walked around Great Wolford playing carols on the trumpet and trombone as they went. There were no singers, but despite this, the music was appreciated as evidenced by generous donations received in the bucket skillfully played by […]
New Dental Surgery – Moreton in...
Please click on the image above to visit the Moreton Dental Website
Bells to Remember – Sergeant Ja...
Wolford bells were rung on Wednesday 16 December 2015 at 6.30pm to remember Sergeant James William Harris who died 16 June 1940. The Wolford war memorial says, erroneously, ‘killed in action June 16th 1941’ so to mark the 75th anniversary, it was suggested that we ring exactly between the dates, so 16 December it was. […]
Warwickshire PCC launches police prec...
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Ron Ball wants to hear your views as he considers setting the police budget for 2016/17. He is asking all members of the public if they are willing to contribute around a penny a day extra in order to maintain frontline policing levels. In November, the Government announced plans in […]
Deirdre Thompson
Sadly Deirdre Thompson passed peacefully away early on the morning of Thursday 19 November. She was a stalwart of many village organisations and will be very much missed. Her memorial service will be on Saturday 28 November in the church of St Michael and all Angels, Great Wolford at 2.00pm.
Superfast Broadband Developments R...
Well, perhaps not quite HERE, but on the way! The roadworks currently in the centre of the village are to facilitate the installation of a power supply for the new BT fibre cabinet to be installed there. The next stage will be to pull the fibre through from the exchange in Barton on the Heath […]